The feet are very important in basketball. They are used in pretty much every aspect of the game from running to turning to jumping and at the same time a lot of demands are placed on the feet and
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The silicone gel heel protectors are a useful way to deal with the cracked and dry skin that can be common around the heel area. The silicone gel heel protector on its own provides some moisture, b
Foam rollers are widely used to treat a wide range of muscle and pain syndrome problems that can affect the body and can be useful for foot problems. Plantar fasciitis is a common problem that typi
Foot Filers are a tool that consumers may use to reduce any thick and had skin on the foot, especially if that hard skin is cracked around the heel. Foot filers are a reasonably effective method yo
Podiatry felt is a thick padding material with a self adhesive back so that it can used to make pads to off-load the pressure off painful areas of the foot. Advertisement: I get commissions for pur
Cracked heels are a common problem around the edges of the heel where the skin splits and it may become painful and even get infected. They usually happen when the callused skin around that area be
A Cluffy wedge was designed by a Podiatrist initially is an add-on to the front edge of a foot orthotic to help problems with the big toe joint of the foot. A Cluffy wedge can also be purchased as
The Toe foams are made from a soft polyurethane foam that is commonly used to help a range of problems that can affect the toes on the feet. The big toe foams can come in several different widths d
The CAM walkers are commonly used to treat a wide range of foot and ankle injuries when you need to limit movement at the ankle joint (CAM is the abbreviation for ‘controlled ankle movement
These corn remover pads are often used to try and get rid of corns on the toes. These corn pads contain an low dose of an acid that are supposed to eat away at or destroy the corn. The problem is t