Metatarsalgia is fairly common cause of pain under the ball of the foot and can be due to many different ccondtions such as stress fractures, bursitis or plantar plate tears. Strapping or taping is
Author: Staff
The carbon fibre plates are rigid insoles that are design to stiffen the sole of the foot so that there is less movement. This is useful for a number of conditions such as osteoarthritis of the big
The foot creams and lotions which have urea in them are among the most beneficial to deal with a range of skin conditions that can affect feet in which the skin is dry. Scientific research has show
The diabetic socks are hosiery or socks which are suggested for those who have diabetes and are at risk for developing problems with their feet. These types of diabetic socks are meant to protect t
Chinese Foot Binding was a destructive and harmful practice in which the feet of young girls was tightly bound to prevent the feet from growing and can be fitted into the petite lotus shoes. This w
Bunions on the feet are a very common problem, especially in females. There is only one way to get rid of them properly and that is with bunion surgery. Braces like the Bunion Assassin and Bunion C
Charcot’s Foot is a disorder of the foot that most commonly occurs in those with diabetes, especially if they have the sensory nerve damage from the diabetes. Because of the nerve damage they
The Bunion Assassin is an effective brace that you wear to help with the alignment of the big toe and to help with pain in the big toe joint. The Bunion Assassin is usually worn during the day in s
A Circulation Booster are are group of products that are supposed to boost the circulation to the leg. They provide an electrical stimulus to make the muscles contract. This muscular contraction is
Calcaneal Apophysitis is the more correct name for what is much more commonly called Severs Disease. This affects the heel bone in children. It is a disorder of the growing plate that will go away